DJ Microlaminates Dry Film Photoresists
DJ Microlaminates' ADEX® and SUEX® dry film photoresists are high performance, i-line sensitive, photoimageable epoxy films available in both sheet and roll form. These films are easily applied using low cost laminating equipment, eliminating the waste and mess associated with spin coating. Film thicknesses from 5µm to 1mm and aspect ratios > 20:1 are possible with these convenient to use sheets. Sheets are pre-cut to a variety of standard substrate and panel sizes and rolls are available in a variety of widths and lengths. A proprietary solvent-free manufacturing technique yields exceptional film thickness uniformity and extremely low average surface roughness. Exposed films are developed in high purity PGMEA (AZ EBR Solvent recommended).

6 and 8µm Features in 40µm ADEX film
Items in this series
ADEX pre-cut sheets or rolls
SUEX pre-cut sheets
Typical Process
Remove PET cover film
Laminate using vacuum or hot roll laminator
Soft Bake 85-95°C
Remove PET top film
Expose: i-line
Develop: PGMEA Immersion
Hard Bake (opt.): 125-200°C